Law and Ethics


A system I repurposed from the 2018-19 school year, to reduce conflicts of interest and improve on coverage

Myth Conductors (Text Only)

What’s really going on behind the doors of WAHS neighbor, the National Department of Energy? Do the conspiracies and rumors live up to their hype?


I ran the first five on law and ethics this year (as seen in my First Five post) and I almost wish it had come up more in my work so I would have something to show for the knowledge. I’ve dealt with an anonymous source twice, once in “That’s What She Said.” My co-writer and I attempted repeatedly (and failed) to gain access to a government facility or to interview the government officials working there in Myth Conductors. The red tape was not very kind to us. Then, the audits system which we use to ensure more widespread coverage with less likelihood of conflicts of interest. Awareness of press law and ethics is always at the forefront of my mind when editing or assisting in the producing of stories.

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